====== G. JACK Video Timeline ====== Displays a movie as timeline of video-frames. **gjvidtimeline** can be synchronized to the [[wp>JACK_Audio_Connection_Kit|jack audio connection kit]] [[http://jackaudio.org/files/docs/html/transport-design.html|transport]] mechanism. ===== Screen-shots ===== {{oss:gjvt:gjvtl.png?500|two gjvideotimelines}} {{oss:gjvt:gjvtl-1.png?307|gjvideotimeline, lash_panel and qjackctl}} ===== Download ===== * [[https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=189343&package_id=221773|Sourceforged Source]] * [[http://gjvidtimeline.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gjvidtimeline/trunk/|SVN Browse]] ===== Build and Install ===== prerequisites: * gnome-development environment (glade-2) * libjack-dev , jackit-dev * freetype2 * liblash-dev (optional) * ffmpeg: libavcodec, libavformat (optional - but highly recommended) * libgmp-dev (optional - framerate conversion) compile the tar-ball: tar tzf .../gjvidtimeline-X.X.X.tgz cd gjvidtimeline-* ./configure && make sudo make install to get and compile from SVN: svn co https://gjvidtimeline.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gjvidtimeline/trunk gjvidtimeline cd gjvidtimeline #svn update ./autogen.sh && make sudo make install ===== Features ===== * video timeline * render time-ticks * jack connect/disconnect * LASH support * Open Sound Control - see [[gjardoursync]] to sync zoom level w/ardour. ====== References ====== see also: * http://ardour.org - JACK's digital audio workstation * [[sf>xjadeo]] - JACK's video monitor * [[sf>gjacktransport|gjacktransport]] - JACK's transport slider * http://jackaudio.org - JACK's website * [[sf>gjvidtimeline|gjvidtimeline - Souceforge Project Site]] {{tag>JACK Video FLOSS}}