====== getting things done ====== Dokuwiki's ToDo list - won't get things done faster, but maybe with less latency. Has to compete with trac+git ;) Example: [#] [@context] [p:project] [d:yyyy-mm-dd|mm-dd|dd] [w:dd] [describing text] [#] [@context] [p:project] [d:yyyy-mm-dd|mm-dd|dd] [w:dd] [describing text] ^ [warn=dd] | set a global warning period in days before the task has to be finished, the item changes its' color to orange | optional (defaults to 5) | ^ [due=dd] | set a global due to period in days before the task has to be finished, the item changes its' color to red | optional (defaults to 2) | ^ [#] | A leading '#' marks a Todo as done | optional | ^ [@context] | The context of the Todo ( ''_'' will be transformed to space ). | required | ^ [p:project] | Specifies if a todo item belongs to a certain project ( ''_'' will be transformed to space ). | optional | ^ [w:dd] | overwrite global warning period by days | optional | ^ [d:yyyy-mm-dd] | The date until when the task should be done, if you use mm-dd the year will be appended automatically, same if you only use dd the month and the year will be appended automatically | optional | ^ [describing text] | Describing text. Must be on a new (**one** linebreak) line (Wiki Syntax can be used to format). | required | @mycontext p:example d:2008-05-29 describing text of a task @mycontext p:example d:15 w:20 describing text of some due task that has to be done this month @mycontext p:example d:30 w:10 another describing text of a monthly task @mycontext p:enhancements d:2020-01-01 this task is not due in the near future @mycontext p:enhancements d:2008-07-19 w:50 ..to be done mid July.. {{tag>scratch}}