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OAuth for Dokuwiki

Towards oAuth support for DokuWiki.

The use-case are manifold: oAuth allows to perform secure authenticated requests (eg. over HTTP) without requiring a user to disclose credentials. Dokuwiki can make use of this for instance with XML-RPC, dokupubsub, batch media-upload (client-applications) or even feed subscription, etc. Simply: any DokuWiki request.

You may still want to run a HTTPS server to authenticate users by plaintext-password against DokuWiki or require digest-auth (which still requires the user to know the password). Combined with openID, oAuth is a prerequisite for distributed client-server and server-to-server communication such as feed/media aggregation or DokuWiki-farms over insecure connections.

Authentication Patch

Patch DokuWiki's inc/auth.php to provide a trigger that allows to hook into the authentication mechanism.

--- a/inc/auth.php
+++ b/inc/auth.php
@@ -72,7 +72,13 @@
         // external trust mechanism in place
-        auth_login($_REQUEST['u'],$_REQUEST['p'],$_REQUEST['r']);
+        $evt = new Doku_Event('ACTION_ON_AUTH',$ACT);
+        $evt->advise_before();
+        if(empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
+            auth_login($_REQUEST['u'],$_REQUEST['p'],$_REQUEST['r']);
+        }
+        $evt->advise_after();
+        unset($evt);

Example action-plugin to provide authentication on a per HTTP-request basis:

example plugin code

if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
class action_plugin_oauth extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {
    function register(&$contr){
    function handle_act_authhook(&$event, $param){
        if (is_array($_REQUEST['do']) && !empty($_REQUEST['do']['oauth'])) return; // skip requests to oauth-API itself
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['oauth_signature'])) {
            // verify signature
            // check consumer and access token
            // -> bail out if signature mismatch
            // -> set username for this session
            // dokuwiki - set user
            $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $user;
            global $USERINFO;
            global $auth;
            $USERINFO = $auth->getUserData($user);
            if (!is_array($USERINFO)) {
                $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = "";
                // or bail out..
    function handle_act_preprocess(&$event, $param){
        if (!empty($event->data['oauth'])) {
            // ...
            // token-exchange, admin, etc.
        if ($handled) {
//Setup VIM: ex: et sw=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8 :


Adding the ACTION_ON_AUTH event to existing events does not seem to be too far out; however it raises a some concerns:

  1. it makes it easier to write a exploiting-plugin
  2. may slow down the system - the Auth Event plugin is called for each request!
  3. it's somewhat parallel to inc/auth/*.php structure.

The first is not really true, any plugin can be used to perform malicious actions; it's just that ACTION_ON_AUTH should never be used carelessly. This ties into the second issue: pay strict attention to optimize performance of the callback handler - On a wiki with ACLs those will be called for each request! Last but not least: oAuth is not a DokuWiki authentication backend, it uses the getUserData() from the backend. Instead of adding a hook, the auth-backends could be nested: oAuth could wrap the default auth-backend overriding the checkPass() function. Adding an Event seems to be a much cleaner way to implement this.

OAuth Plugin

work in progress - see devel repository
or download a devel snapshot (don't use this link with the DokuWiki plugin manager.)

The plugin implements an oAuth-Service Provider consisting of several parts:


None needed. There's a few Options in Configuration Settings most of which are related to debugging or development.

After installing the Plugin, visit to administrate tokens or simply run the example script on the next page which adds a test consumer for you.


The OAuthDataStore is kept in DOKU_CONF/oauth.inidb as dba.ini text data; the config-folder (or at least latter file) needs to be writable for the web-sever.

Note: Apache rewrite-rules modify the base-string! (This is to be fixed or worked-around) The query-parameters and URL must not be modified before they are passed to the PHP script (using DirectoryIndex doku.php works, redirecting from index.php does not.) - This is a minor issue since in general oAuth requests always use a full absolute URL ending with /doku.php (or /lib/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php) to access the DokuWiki API.


Test & Examples

You can access the DokuWiki OAuth API by making requests to doku.php?do[oauth]=XXX or simply by making any request adding the oauth_signature request-parameter.

Visit ?do=oauth for the oauth plugin information page. For test-requests see dokuoauth_examples.