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DokuWiki Tag Entry Plugin

This DokuWiki plugin provides functionality to assign tags to a wiki-page using checkboxes.

The tagentry plugin has just been released on the DokuWiki website.


The tagentry plugin displays a set of tag-name checkboxes just below the edit form and automatically adds or modifies {{tag>}} in the wiki-text using JavaScript when a checkbox is activated.

This plugin can be installed standalone, but makes only sense in combination with a recent version (later than summer 2008) of the tag plugin.

Setup and Configuration

There are a few configuration options available, accesible via the configuration-manager.

tagsrc choose which tags to display. The default is to display all tags known to the tag plugin's index. Alternatively you can use the IDs of existing pages in a dedicated namespace (by default the tag plugin's namespace)
namespace IFF tagsrc is set to custom; search this namespace.
table Format checkboxes using a HTML <table> instead of just pushing them into a <div>
limit Maximum number of tags to list - 0:unlimited
blacklist Space separated list of tags to hide from the assignment-bar
height specify maximum height of the box in float(em,px,pt) format.
>0: fixed value (eg. 50px); 0 or empty: use CSS; <0: scale with number of entries (fi. -1em should get you rid of the scroll-bar, -0.05em is a sane value for sites with many tags.)
tablerowcntwhen using <table> formatting, this allows to specify the number of tags per table-row. (default:5)

Note: the default max-height is currently defined in lib/plugins/tagentry/style.css as 5em.

Development Info and Discussion


As always: Comments, suggestions and patches or feedback of any kind is more than welcome. Put them here while I update the trac.

The plugin does not work for me (dokuwiki-2010-11-07 freshly installed with recent tags plugin), unless I disable the code at line 58 of action.php: if ( !empty($event→data→_hidden['prefix']) || !empty($event→data→_hidden['suffix'])) return; No other non-standard plugins (except tags, of course) were active.

EDIT: found out the code was wrong. Line 261 should read: if ($i%$options['tablerowcnt']==0 && $i!=0) { fixed in 0.3.2 (2009-09-18) - Thanks for pointing this out.

Fact remains that I can not set the tablerowcnt from the config manager.. I've added that to the config manager, as well.

Answer: As for your alternative approach: You can already make the checkboxes float. They're wrapped in a <label> environment which allows for width and float CSS paramters.

The CSS would look like this:

#plugin__tagentry_wrapper div.taglist label {
  width: 50px;
  overflow: hidden;

I'm having a devil of a time configuring tagentry. What I desire is to limit what tags are listed by the namespace. Take the following example of namespaces:

namespace1:page1 namespace1:page2 namespace2:page1

When creating or editing pages in namespace1, I only want to display the tags specific to that namespace. I am unsure how to configure the tagentry plugin to do this. Up to this point the only way I get any tagentry checkboxes to display is to configure “Select which tags will be available” to “All tags” otherwise no checkboxes are displayed.

Answer: This is beyond the capabilities of this plugin. The feature you are requesting would require support from the tag plugin itself to group tags by namespace.

The tagentry-namespace configuration option is there for backwards compatibility with the old tag-plugin, which created pages in a specific namespace for each tag. The latest version of the tag-plugin still supports this, but does not create the pages automatically.

PS. There's is already a feature-request on for that purpose.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [wiki path]/lib/plugins/tagentry/action.php on line 170

Answer: That was a bug which occurred if there are were no tags defined on the system. - Cheers for reporting this.

A: per default it uses the tag plugin's topic.idx. Rebuild your tag index (available from Admin menu) to clean out old tags.

long Answer: Older versions of the tag-plugin required to create wiki pages for each tag, later versions use a '?do=showtag' action. The new version displays the page with the tag-name if it exists and else generates a topic listing.
Maybe you have older tags still sitting around as pages?

As for the scrollbar: there is no configuration option for that yet. You can edit lib/tpl/tagentry/style.css and adjust or remove the max-height parameter. You can also override it in your site's template. The number of tags per line is also still fixed and hardcoded to five. Well, this plugin's barely 3 days old; but we'll get there. set the height configuration option (available from v0.2.5 or later) to -1em. That adds one line per displayed tag to the max-height style parameter of the box. Horizontal scrolling - related to limiting the displayed tag-name - will be made configurable in a later version.

Fixed in version 0.3.0 (2009-01-30).

Answer: That sounds like the javascript of the plugin is not loaded or you've disabled Javascript in your browser. Try to flush the cache:

It worked, thx a lot!

Answer: Scrollbars are already automatically added if there's more than 6 lines of tags. The style.css defines:


Simply modify the 'max-height' parameter (in …/lib/plugins/tagentry/style.css) with a text-editor to your preferences (eg. max-height:40px; )

Note: older versions of IE do not support max-height! Use height:6em;, but then the box will then always be fixed at this height and never shrink.

Here's a screenshot:

Answer: I'll look into it. It is not trivial to make this work consistently: It depends on other plugins which modify the edit-button area (fi. Captcha) as well as the template in use and even worse: the browser (table vs. div rendering in a floating section).

A quick fix for the mess is to add div.license{clear:both;} to the stylesheet (either lib/plugins/tagentry/style.css or in lib/tpl/?/design.css).

Another workaround would be to move the tagentry-div out of the floating area. That can be accomplished by adding

$pos = $event->data->findElementByAttribute('class','editButtons');

in line 127 of lib/plugins/tagentry/action.php; just before the insertElement() call.

I'm in need for a brilliant idea how to solve this issue myself :) Suggestions are very welcome.

Answer: The first two suggestions are rather welcome. The plugin will need a bit of a rewrite in order to be used in the menu-bar but it is in need for a re-design, anyway. A quick solution would simply use an expandable fold to 'hide/show' large large lists of tags. I might do that first, because I have little time to spare at the moment.

As for the “edit section” problem: That is more or less intentional; if you're editing only part of a page, this part may not include the {{tag>}} wiki-tag which needs to be modified. Of course the plugin could be smarter (eg. display the tag-assignment-box when tag-syntax exists in that part or even lock the tag-syntax-section and allow to assign tags anyway; either way these features are not trivial to implement and may cause more harm than good in conjunction with other plugins that hook into the edit-page call.)

As programmer let me tell you that everything is possible with the constraint that one can at best get only two the following three: fast, cheap and high quality (-; stay tuned.

Question: Is it possible to limit the list of tags to the tags which are used in the actual page/namespace and its sup-pages/namespces? Joachim 2011-09-12

Answer: Alas, no. This is not possible with dokuwiki's implementation of how tags are stored. (Note: It would be possible to implement it by searching all tags in all pages in the a given namespace every time a page is edited, but that is an exhaustive search and does not scale).


This plugin inspired by dokubookmark, generalizing the idea of graphically assigning tags on page-creation.

see also: