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Media Art Research Development and Design. About robin, founder of RSS.



Robin Gareus grad­u­ated in 2002 in Physics at the Uni­ver­sity of Hei­del­berg,Ger­many and CERN, Switzer­land after which he worked for two years as an en­gi­neer at Berke­ley-Lab, Cal­i­for­nia be­fore switch­ing to Multi-Me­dia/FLOSS R&D in 2005, re­lo­cat­ing to Am­s­ter­dam, NL.

His pro­fes­sional ex­pe­ri­ence since then ranges from con­sult­ing to hard­ware/soft­ware co-de­vel­op­ment, fo­cus­ing on Re­search & De­vel­op­ment for in­stal­la­tion-art, life and open-web stan­dards. Amongst oth­ers places, Robin worked or did free­lance work at the Nether­lands In­sti­tute for New Media Art, Me­dia­matic, the picnic.​nl con­fer­ence, V2 Lab, Kunst-Uni­vesi­taet Linz and the San Fran­cisco Art In­sti­tute. Robin is tech­ni­cal-di­rec­tor for var­i­ous sound and film-pro­duc­tions and in­volved in 64studio​ and ardour​. Join­ing the free-soft­ware-move­ment in the mid 90's, he be­came the au­thor of the renowned GNU/Linux ap­pli­ca­tions and is known in the FLOSS com­mu­nity for run­ning the​ por­tal since 2005 as well as co-or­ga­niz­ing the­ Linux Audio Con­fer­ence since 2009.

Since March 2009 Robin teaches and en­gi­neers Me­dia-Art at the CITU/ Paris 8 Uni­ver­sity, France where he em­pha­sises on con­nected cre­ation.

If you're interested in hiring me, email me about a PDF CV. Depending on your project I can arrange for, or recommend additional team members. Much of my code is available online, just have a look around here or at sourceforge. Since code is not everything..


As of 2011 I look back on over 14 Years of being on gnu/Linux. It's been a steep hill, but the view and possibilities up here are gorgeous.

I'm dreaming of a world where professional artistic creativity will be free of financial interest and dependencies. - surely you're grinning now - I'll retain a sad smile upon this Utopia and point to ongoing efforts instead:, and

To me Free Software (FLOSS) represents the railroad track of the 21 century. Analog to modern trains that have evolved beyond dreams of the 14th and 17th century railroad pioneers, postmodern software needs to rely on open standards in order to become self sustainable. The fact that the fastest engine of the day is commercial does not bother me too much as long as it can run on an open infrastructure.

I'm a pragmatic proponent of “Nimm's wie es kommt, aber sorge dafuer das es so kommt wie Du es nehmen willst..” - For the time being the best thing that could happen to me would be a larger atelier; but I won't say no to a copy of musimathics or a box of dark chocolate.

Besides I'm a huge fan of inline replies.

Exhibitions & Conference Organization

Push the boundaries of art by exploring the corner-cases of cutting edge technology.







For a list of publications, software and projects: ask your favorite search engine and don't hesitate to bug me to send you a PDF CV.