Open Source Software Projects

Here's a list of FLOSS applications that I wrote and maintain. To get a full list including contributions to other projects see the git-repository or check the index.


a3vtl - Ardour3 video timeline
Épée/Wave-It - A/V installation


flowmixer - realtime video manipulation
frontera - interactive portrait; video installation
gjacktransport - JACK Transport control GUI & Big Clock

gjvidtimeline - G.J. Video Timeline
gx2ctl - xmms2 control GUI
jackFreqd - CPU frequency according to JACK DSP-load
jackStdOut - JACK audio port connector
jplay2 - ..jack plays it all..
jrec2- J. recording utility - Audio LTC en/decoder library (libltcsmpte successor)

ltcsmpte - Audio LTC SMPTE en/decoder library and example clients

libtimecode - A/V timecode library

ltc-tools - Linear Timecode Tools
mp3b2 - mp3 browser
oggzmax - FFmpeg MaxMSP/Jitter externals
panjack - surround sound panning
qiph - Qute XIPH - x-platform A/V streaming GUI
setBfree - Hammondtonewheel organ
SPICE & Sound - towards simulating analog audio circuits

xjadeo - Video Monitor with external time source (MTC, LTC, JACK)


dokubookmark - DokuWiki website tagger plugin/bookmarklet
tagentry - DokuWiki tag assignment plugin
tbt - A time-based-text player for DokuWiki


Tatort-dl - an ARD-mediathek download utility

geosync - synchronize geological information databases
listgraph - graphical mbox statistics
libOauth - implements the OAuth protocol in POSIX-C

swishmail - drupal CMS module for swish-e email archives


dbustriggerd - trigger actions on dbus signals
genxkey - generate X11 keyboard events
OSC util - Open Sound Control Utils
pamcoda - authentication module for the CODA filesystem
oss/ossindex.txt · Last modified: 01.02.2013 02:38 by rgareus