Dokuwiki XML RPC

DokuWiki supports WikiRPCInterface2 Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), speaking the Extensible Markup Language (XML). documented at dokwiki's XMLRPC.

As heavy DokuWiki user I am very interested to make use of this interface for various purposes. Starting with some basics, here is was a “hello world, what's your Dokuwiki version number?” example in PHP. - Now it exercises the DokuWiki and trac RPC interface, includes HTTP basic & digest authentication and HTTPS certificate checking; good enough to start building on top of it..

$dw_opts=array('cert'=>'', 'transport'=>'ssl://', 'port' => 443);
$trac_opts=array('cert'=>'', 'transport'=>'ssl://', 'port' => 443);
if (file_exists('dokurpc.conf.php')) require 'dokurpc.conf.php';

$dw_pass=NULL; # safeguard ;)

#$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("dokuwiki.getVersion", array());
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getPageInfo", array("robin:start"));
#$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getPageInfo", array("wiki:start"));
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.listLinks", array("wiki:start"));
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getBackLinks", array("wiki:start"));
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getRecentChanges", array(1219500627));
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getAttachments", array("wiki:", array('recursive'=>true, 'pattern'=>'/dif/')));
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getAllPages", array());
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getPageVersions", array("wiki:start", 0));
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getPageVersion", array("wiki:start", 1214855941));
$res= dokuXmlRpc($req);
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.putPage", array("wiki:rpctest", $res, "rpc test"));
#$res= dokuXmlRpc($req);
echo "\n\n";
#$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getRPCVersionSupported", array());
#$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getAllPages", array());
#$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("system.listMethods", array());
#$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getPageInfo", array("TracGuide"));
$req = xmlrpc_encode_request("wiki.getPage", array("TracGuide", 1));
$res= tracXmlRpc($req);

function tracXmlRpc($request) {
  global $trac_host, $trac_project, $trac_path, $trac_user, $trac_pass, $trac_opts;
  $x = httpPost($trac_host, $path, $request, $trac_opts,
                array('username'=>$trac_user, 'password'=>$trac_pass));
  return parseXmlRpcResponse($x);
function dokuXmlRpc($request) {
  global $dw_host, $dw_path, $dw_user, $dw_pass, $dw_opts;
  if ($dw_user) $path.='u='.urlencode($dw_user).'&';
  if ($dw_pass) $path.='p='.urlencode($dw_pass).'&';
  $path=preg_replace('![?&]$!', '', $path);
  $x = httpPost($dw_host, $path, $request, $dw_opts);
  return parseXmlRpcResponse($x);
function parseXmlRpcResponse($x) {
  $response = xmlrpc_decode($x);
  if (xmlrpc_is_fault($response)) {
    trigger_error("xmlrpc: $response[faultString] ($response[faultCode])");
 * HTTP[s] POST request
 * $host: hostname ; eg ''
 * $path: request' eg '/index.php?id=123'
 * $data_to_send : data to POST after the HTTP header.
 * @param $host: hostname ; eg ''
 * @param $path: request' eg '/index.php?id=123'
 * @param $data_to_send : data to POST after the HTTP header.
 * @param $opts various transport layer options (ssl, port, cert,..)
 * @param $auth optional username, password and type ('basic', 'nodigest')
 * @param $head custom http header
 * if $opts is an  empty array() a standard  HTTP to port 80 request is performed.
 * set auth['type']='basic' to use plain-text auth,
 * digest-auth will be handled automatically if $auth['username'] is set and a 401
 * status is encountered. - use auth['type']='nodigest' to override.
function httpPost($host, $path, $data_to_send,
                  $opts=array('cert'=>"", 'transport' =>'ssl://', 'port'=>443, 'headers'=>0),
                  $auth=array('username'=>"", 'password'=>"", 'type'=>""),
                  $head=array('Content-type' =>'text/xml')
  $transport=''; $port=80;
  if (!empty($opts['transport'])) $transport=$opts['transport'];
  if (!empty($opts['port'])) $port=$opts['port'];
  $context = stream_context_create();
  $result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'verify_host', true);
  if (!empty($opts['cert'])) {
    $result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'cafile', $opts['cert']);
    $result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'verify_peer', true);
  } else {
    $result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'allow_self_signed', true);
  $fp = stream_socket_client($remote, $err, $errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
  if (!$fp) {
    trigger_error('httpPost error: '.$errstr);
    return NULL;
  $req.="POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n";
  $req.="Host: $host\r\n";
  if ($auth['type']=='basic' && !empty($auth['username'])) {
    $req.="Authorization: Basic ";
  elseif ($auth['type']=='digest' && !empty($auth['username'])) {
    $req.='Authorization: Digest ';
    foreach ($auth as $k => $v) {
      if (empty($k) || empty($v)) continue;
      if ($k=='password') continue;
      $req.=$k.'="'.$v.'", ';
  foreach ($head as $k => $v) {
    $req.=$k.': '.$v."\r\n";
  if (empty($head['Content-type'])) {
    $req.="Content-type: $ct\r\n";
  $req.='Content-length: '. strlen($data_to_send) ."\r\n";
  $req.="Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
  fputs($fp, $req);
  fputs($fp, $data_to_send);
  while(!feof($fp)) { $res .= fgets($fp, 128); }
  if ($auth['type']!='nodigest'
        && !empty($auth['username'])
        && $auth['type']!='digest' # prev. digest AUTH failed.
        && preg_match("/^HTTP\/[0-9\.]* 401 /", $res)) {
    if (1 == preg_match("/WWW-Authenticate: Digest ([^\n\r]*)\r\n/Us", $res, $matches)) {
      foreach (split(",", $matches[1]) as $i) {
        if (!empty($ii[1]) && !empty($ii[0])) {
          $auth[$ii[0]]=preg_replace("/^\"/",'', preg_replace("/\"$/",'', $ii[1]));
      return httpPost($host, $path, $data_to_send, $opts, $auth);
  if (1 != preg_match("/^HTTP\/[0-9\.]* ([0-9]{3}) ([^\r\n]*)/", $res, $matches)) {
    trigger_error('httpPost: invalid HTTP reply.');
    return NULL;
  if (1 != preg_match("/^2[0-9]{2}$/", $matches[1])) {
      trigger_error('httpPost: HTTP error: '.$matches[1].' '.$matches[2]);
      return NULL;
  if (!$opts['headers']) {
  return $res;
function randomNonce($len=0) {
  $chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789";
  $i=0; $rv='';
  if ($len < 1) $len= (6+rand()%10);
  while ($i++ < $len) {
    $rv.=$chars[rand() % strlen($chars)];
  return $rv;
// vi: set sw=2 ts=4 sts=4 et :

view dokurpc.php source

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Just googled for more example code. obviously there's plenty eg. and I found this nice blog on the way: dokuwimki I'm gonna get side tracked.

wiki/dokuxmlrpc.txt · Last modified: 23.12.2011 21:26 (external edit)